
The origin of jets and vortices in turbulent oceans and atmospheres

Laboratoire(s)/équipe(s) du LabEx OSUG impliqué(e.s) : LEGI, St Andrews University, Ecosse
Porteur du projet : Jan-Bert FLOR Résumé
The Earth’s Jetstream and the multiple jets on Jupiter are the most well known large-scale motions in planetary atmospheres. Closer observation shows that these jets are embedded in a sea of small-scale vortices that are present due to instabilities of the main flow as well as convective forcing on smaller scales. How the large and small scales of motion (…)

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Focalisation des Ondes Internes (FOI)

Internal tides in the Earth’s oceans, namely internal gravity waves generated by barotropic tidal motion over bottom topography, dissipate globally one third (i.e. 1 TW) of the barotropic energy and, in doing (...)

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De récentes observations montrent qu’un fort signal d’ondes internes de relief est émis au voisinage de la bathymétrie complexe de l’océan austral. Le mélange profond induit par ces ondes internes pourrait (...)

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