Major equipment projects

Acoustic system for the monitoring of terrestrial aquatic environments


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : GIPSA-Lab - équipe SigmaPhy
Project leader : Gabriel VASILE Résumé
The project involves the acquisition and development of new tools which allow the measurement of various materials transiting a terrestrial aquatic system (rivers). This research is motivated by the study of ecological continuity in watercourses, which is now legislated in the European Framework Directive (ECD) and the Water Law. Observation tools currently (…)

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GEO-MEB : a scanning electron microscope for the characterization of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : ISTERRE - IPAG
Project leader : Fabrice BRUNET Résumé
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is the most common technique for solid imaging at the sub-micron scale. Coupled with ancillary detectors (EDS, cathodo-luminescence), the scanning electron microscope becomes a complete instrument of characterization, fast and easy to use. At OSUG, electron microscopy is integrated into a characterization platform
(imaging & analysis) (…)

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Atomic force microscopy to resolve key environmental questions


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : ISTerre
Project leader : Van Driessche Alexander Abstract
With the requested budget we will acquire an AFM/force spectroscope with a temperature-controlled liquid cell. This technology will render us with the capacity to look into the nanometer world of environmental relevant topics, such as : capture and storage of CO2, metal sequestration/release by mineral replacement, scale formation, reactivity of nanoparticles, (…)

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Development of an ecological data acquisition platform with very high spatial resolution : embedded LiDAR under drone


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : Irstea - LECA
Project leader : Laurent Borgniet Abstract
This material strengthening of the drone platform is driven by emerging needs to increase the resolution of analyzes of terrestrial ecosystems ecosystem services, data acquisition in difficult and dangerous terrain, high frequency data acquisition on sites ateliers for modeling the impacts of global change in the mountains.
Support (2017) : 93 200 €

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Innovative approaches for high-contrast spectro-imaging of next-generation exoplanets abstract


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : IPAG (Exoplanète, CRISTAL)
Project leader : Alexis Carlotti Abstract
This R & D application focuses on two innovative concepts that will be needed for future high-contrast instruments, especially those fitted to the ELT for the purpose of characterizing terrestrial telluric planets inhabitable area with high- spectral resolution, such as the one around Prox b (! ). These two complementary concepts aim to : the creation of (…)

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PANDA : analytical platform Dedicated to Glacial Archives


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : IGE (équipe iCecube)
Project leader : Joël SAVARINO Abstract
PANDA is an ice core analysis platform. It allows continuous and/or discrete analysis of ice melt water samples. It is based on three modules covering isotopic analysis of nitrogen and sulphur (ISOTOPIC module), the chemical composition of air trapped in ice (GAS module) and the chemical composition of meltwater (CHEMISTRY module). The modules are independent of each (…)

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Line of analysis for molecular species in trace : purchase of LC-MS2


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : IGE – Isterre – LECA – (IRSTEA)
Project leader : Jean-Luc Jaffrezo Abstract
This project concerns the purchase of a UPLC-MS / MS analytical chain and associated extraction devices, allowing the measurement of trace and ultra-trace (ng / kg) polar organic molecules. The type of molecules that can be analyzed include, for example, pesticides, drug residues, endocrine disruptors, and more generally what is called "new (…)

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TomoCold : Study of snow microstructures by X-ray tomography in a cold room


Labex OSUG laboratories or/and Labex OSUG teams involved : IGE, IRSTEA, CEN
Project leader : Maurine Montagnat Résumé
Snow, an evolving porous material, is described by a three-dimensional arrangement of air and oriented ice crystals. This microstructure depends on the deposition conditions (T, wind ...) and evolves over time, sometimes with very fast kinetics, by metamorphism and compaction of the snowpack. X-ray tomography, which offers a three-dimensional image with a resolution of (…)

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