
General objectives

Funded in 2009, the cross-cutting "Neige" working group federates research staff of the OSUG working on snow; it is a place of scientific exchanges and discussion.

The Grenoble laboratories play a major role at the international scale for snow study in multiple scientific contexts such as the micro and macro-scale physical modeling, the mechanics of snow, the chemistry of snow, remote sensing of the snow-covered surfaces, the role of snow in the climate system, and snow on the surface of planetary bodies…

Workshop activities

  • Semi-annual plenary meetings (spring / autumn) focused on a specific scientific theme
  • Technical meetings focused on particular points
  • Organization of scientific seminars with external speakers

Anyone interested in following the activities of the workshop can register freely on the list osug-atelier-neige by following this link.


Pascal Hagemuller (CEN), Florence Naaim (INRAE), Ghislain Picard (IGE)