Un paradoxe tectonique : La faille normale de la Cordillera Blanca (Andes, Pérou) crée-t-elle de la topographie ?

Laboratoire(s)/équipe(s) du LabEx OSUG impliqué(e.s) : Isterre, UNI Lausanne, LTHE, Ingemmet Pérou
Porteur du Projet : Laurence Audin

The scientific goal is to study the Cordillera Blanca Normal Fault system (CBNF) and its Quaternary evolution along the Peruvian margin (<3 Ma). The place of such a major extensional fault system in the high Andean compressional settings remains enigmatic. We propose to focus on the tectonic interactions between the fault and the granite exhumation/erosion processes to answer the following question : What is the role of the Cordillera Blanca normal fault in the Andean recent uplift ?
Originalities : (i) Test a method for the first time on a gigantic fault scarp, adapted from new OSL thermochronometer with respect to our local expertise in datation (Terrestrial in situ Cosmogenic Nuclides) (ii) Test two concepts : Does normal fault build topography or does pluton exhumation drive active tectonics ?

Montant accordé : 10 800 € en 2013

Bilan :

Bilan du projet

Mis à jour le 27 novembre 2014