Air-Sea Interaction at the Coast

Titre : Air-Sea Interaction at the Coast

Laboratoire de rattachement : LEGI, équipe MEIGE

Encadrant : Achim Wirth

Mots clés : air-sea interaction, coastal oceanography, fluid dynamics, turbulence

Contexte et objectifs de la mission de stage :

Recent reasearch has demonstrated that the detailled representation of the ocean-surface windstress a few kilmeters from the coast is key to understanding the ocean dynamics in the vicinity of the coast and especially the coastal upwelling. Observational data of ocean-surface windstress and currents near the coast is scant and theoretical results are few. The purpose of the internship is to entangle the atmosphere-ocean interaction near the coast line in idealized situations.

The internship consists in programming a highly simplified but fully coupled land-atmosphere-ocean model based on two coupled shallow water models, one for the atmosphere and one for the ocean. The model will be one dimensional, all variables depend only on the distance from the coast, but the two horizontal velocity components are solved.

Mis à jour le 23 mai 2015