Hydrological modeling of climatic contrasted watershed

Titre : Hydrological modeling of climatic contrasted watershed

Laboratoire de rattachement : LTHE

Encadrant : Sandrine ANQUETIN, Thomas CONDOM, Michel ESTEVES, Laurent OXARANGO, Théo VISCHEL

Téléphone :

Mots clés : Modélisation hydrologique, Ressource en eau, Risque hydrologique.

Contexte et objectifs de la mission de stage :

The trainee takes place within a general reflexion at LTHE that aims to propose, in the future, an integrated modeling framework.
The first step is dedicated to the analysis of the faisability of the adaptation of a same model for contrasted catchments under different climates. For this purpose, the DHSVN hydrological model will be implemented on three main watersheds studied at LTHE.
The main objective is to test the robustness of this model when the dominant hydrological processes may be different and when the data availability may be also scarse.
Three main watersheds will be considered based on the data availability and previous works performed at LTHE.
 The Zongo river (Bolivia) with a focus on the different contributions to the total outflow (snow and ice melting, surface and subterenean fluxes) ;
 Some Mediterranean watersheds (Cevennes region, France) (1 - 300 km2) with a focus on extreme hydrometeorological events ;
 The upper Ouémé watershed (Benin) (500 km2) with a focus on water resource.
The different steps will be : (i) data preparation ; (ii) hydrological model testing ; (iii) calibration and ; (iv) hydrological modeling.
The main objective will be the use of different calibration on différent evaluation criterion (good agreement between simulated and obesrved flows, godd representation of the subterranean fluxes, ....)
A reflexion will be conducted on the precipitation data preparation for the model (quantity, phase, spatial ditribution).
Supervision : The trainee will be jointly supervised by the responsibles of the modeling activities at LTHE.
Michel ESTEVES (michel.esteves ird.fr) : DHSVN modeling expertise
Sandrine ANQUETIN (sandrine.anquetin ujf-grenoble.fr) : Modeling expertise of the Mediterranean catchments :
Thomas CONDOM (thomas.condom ird.fr) : Modeling expertise of the Bolivian catchment
Theo VISCHEL (theo.vischel ujf-grenoble.fr) : Modeling expertise of the Ouémé catchments
Laurent OXARANGO (laurent.oxarango ujf-grenoble.fr)

Mis à jour le 9 mai 2012