Tectonics, geomorphic, and physiographic evolution of Java island during the Late Neogene

3 Laboratoire(s) de rattachement : Informations à écrire ici
Encadrant(s) : Laurent Husson, Sonny Aribowo
Contact(s) : laurent.husson univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Lieu : ISTerre Grenoble
Niveau de formation & prérequis : M2, geology
Mots clés : tectonics, dynamic topography, seismic reflection, biogeography, Homo erectus

Because it is exposed to large tectonic deformation and mantle dynamics, but also because it is near sea-level, the physiography of Indonesia evolves at fast rates during the Neogene. The Sunda shelf subsides under the Java sea while the tectonically deforming Java island emerges. Over this moving landscape, Homo erectus found his way to reach and settle in Java island : his migration pathways are contingent on the quickly changing geodynamic framework.

The objective is to take advantage of an incredible set of seismic profiles across Java island to unravel the tectonic and physiographic evolution of Java island until Pleistocene times, when H. erectus finally reached Java. In practice, the main task will be to exploit the seismic profiles and reconstruct the tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the foothills of Java island. Envisioning the physiographic environment over which H erectus evolved will be an optional, yet fascinating bonus.

♣ Aribowo, S., Husson, L., et al., Active back-arc thrust in North West Java, Indonesia, Tectonics.
♣ Husson L., Boucher, F., Sarr, A-C., Sepulchre, P., Cahyarini, S.Y., 2020, Evidence of Sundaland’s subsidence requires revisiting its biogeography, Journal of Biogeography, doi:10.1111/jbi.13762.
♣ Sarr, A-C., L. Husson, P. Sepulchre, A-M. Pastier, A.F. Holt, K. Pedoja, M. Elliot, C. Arias- Ruiz, T. Solihuddin, S. Aribowo, 2019, Subsiding Sundaland, Geology, 47 (2), 119-122.

Mis à jour le 5 octobre 2021